
Nicole Rizzo is a word assembler, melody dweller, trinket worshiper, bird admirer and scrap paster.

She is a soft human sunbeam whose life mission is to pay very close attention to every mini meanwhile she finds herself in.

She holds dear this thought that every moment is a mini meanwhile, meaning any time anything is happening, a limitless list of other things are also happening at that exact same moment. Every singular and specific moment offers us the unique opportunity to produce a “thank you” note of sorts. A creation.

She loves getting comfy with the idea that this is constantly and consistently happening, regardless of our efforts. It is impossible to miss out or be tardy—given the perpetual regeneration of meanwhiles. We are not responsible, but we are certainly reapers of the benefits. Receivers of the inspirations and the tiny and often hard-to-find miracles. But if we notice them, each meanwhile holds everything we need to make something beautiful.

In other words, the world speaks in meanwhiles and in simultaneous poems and every lovely thing writes itself into being everyday and all we need to do is pay attention and put the pieces together. And then we call ourselves poets and artists which seems kind of silly for us to claim when it’s all just existing in bounty already. But perhaps the universe forgives us and encourages our tiny efforts regardless by saying things like, “Yeah, totally! Thanks for noticing! Good job!” and gives us more materials to work with.

And isn’t this silly little collection of meanwhiles—this crazy spinning and infinitely simultaneous world.. . isn’t it quite mysterious, quite hopeful, quite humbling and quite beautiful?

Well, Nicole certainly thinks so. So here’s an online collection of some little things she’s strung together, using the whimsical, wonderful resources of any given moment.

Thanks for being here.


